F.A. Hayek against Hans Kelsen
legal norm, state and freedom
F.A. Hayek, Hans Kelsen, Law, State, FreedomAbstract
This article aims to present F. A. Hayek's criticisms of Hans Kelsen's legal positivism. Hayekian criticisms refer to the relationship established by Kelsen between law and state and law and justice. For this, Kelsen's conceptions of legal norm and Rule of Law are presented and Hayekian criticisms of Kelsenian pure theory are exposed. The adopted methodology is exploratory through literature review and the research approach is qualitative. It is concluded that, in Hayek's reading, the formalist judgment of the validity of the norm and the identification of the State with the law, as proposed by the positivist Kelsenian model, form a theoretical conception capable of threatening individual freedom because the power of the State becomes unlimited in the production of legal norms.
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HAYEK, F. A. Direito, legislação e liberdade: uma nova formulação dos princípios liberais de justiça e economia política. São Paulo: Visão, 1985b. (v. II: A miragem da justiça social).
HAYEK, F. A. Direito, legislação e liberdade: uma nova formulação dos princípios liberais de justiça e economia política. São Paulo: Visão, 1985c. (v. III: A ordem política de um povo livre).
KELSEN, Hans. Teoria pura do direito. São Paulo: Editora WMF Martins Fontes, 2009.
KELSEN, Hans. O problema da justiça. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2011.
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